शुक्रवार, 28 फ़रवरी 2014

हम ‘ जिलेटिन ’ के रूप में गाय व सूअर का मांस खाते हैं

(मेनका गांधी) दिन में आप कितनी बार गाय या सूअर का मांस खाते हैं? जब भी आप जिलेटिन खाते हैं आप इसको देखते ही नहीं इसलिए आपको इसका कोई अनुमान नहीं है कि इसे कैसे बनाया जाता है। इसे ऐसे बनाया जाता है :
जिलेटिन को सड़े हुए पशुओं की खालों, कुचली गई हड्डियों, मवेशियों तथा सूअरों के जोडऩे वाले टिशुओं को उबाल कर बनाया जाता है। जिलेटिन प्रसंस्करण संयंत्र प्राय: वधगृहों के निकट होते हैं और जिलेटिन फैक्टरियों के स्वामियों के अक्सर अपने वध-गृह होते हैं जहां पशुओं की केवल उनकी खाल तथा हड्डियों के लिए हत्या की जाती है। जब भोजन प्रसंस्करण संयंत्रों पर पशु के अंग आते हैं तो गुणवत्ता हेतु उनकी जांच की जानी तथा सड़े हुएहिस्सों को अलग किया जाना होता है। भारत में कोई जांच प्रणाली नहीं है इसलिए इसे तो आप नकार ही सकते हैं। हड्डियों, टिशुओं को काटने की मशीनों में डाला जाता है जो उन्हें छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में काट देती है।
किसी जिलेटिन फैक्टरी में छत पर गाय की खालों का ढेर लगा रहता है। खालों को सडऩे या ‘उपचार’ हेतु लगभग 1 माह तक चूने के ढेरों में रखा जाता है। उस फैक्टरी से निकलने वाली दुर्गंध मीलों दूर तक फैली हुई होती है। खालों के पक जाने के पश्चात उन्हें एसिड की टंकियों में डाला जाता है जो गाय के बाल, चमड़ी, कारटिलेज को अलग कर देता है। कॉस्टिक चूने या सोडियम कार्बोनेट जैसे एसिड या एल्कलाइनों का उपयोग किया जाता है। एसिड (तेजाब) उपचारित कच्चे माल से प्राप्त जिलेटिन को ए-प्रकार का और अलकली (क्षार) उपचारित कच्चे माल से प्राप्त जिलेटिन को बी- प्रकार का जिलेटिन कहा जाता है। (खरीदने वालों को इस भ्रम में डालने के लिए कि वे शाकाहारी विकल्प को खा रहे हैं, कई भोजन उत्पाद अपने अवयवों की सूची में बी-प्रकार का जिलेटिन डालते हैं)।
इसे पानी में धोया जाता है और फिर तब तक पकाया जाता है जब तक कि यह एक सफेद घोल या जैल न बन जाए। जिलेटिन घोल से अलग करने के लिए इस जिलेटिन को फिर छान कर तथा सुखा कर विभिन्न कम्पनियों को भेजा जाता है। अब गाय की खाल और हड्डियां एक हल्के पारदर्शी, रंगहीन, आसानी से टूटने वाले, स्वाद रहित ठोस पदार्थ में परिवर्तित हो जाती हैं जिसे जिलेटिन कहा जाता है। वाणिज्यिक रूप से विनिर्मित जिलेटिन को 1/4 औंस के सूखे दानों वाले, कागज जितनी पतली शीटों के लिफाफों में पैक किया जाता है जिन्हें पत्तियां या घुलने वाले ब्लाक कहा जाता है। खाद्य जिलेटिन को तैयार करने के लिए इसमें मीठा, स्वाद तथा रंगों को मिलाया जाता है।
समूचे संसार में जिलेटिन का उत्पादन लगभग 300,000 टन प्रति वर्ष है जो लगभग 660 मिलियन पौंड होता है। इसका उपयोग भोजन, दवा, फोटोग्राफी और सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों में किया जाता है। ये 4 उद्योग मिल कर समूचे विश्व के जिलेटिन के 95 प्रतिशत से अधिक का उपयोग करते हैं। शेष 5 प्रतिशत का उपयोग एब्रेसिव कागज (रेगमार), वस्त्र, माचिस और प्रिंटर रोलर द्वारा किया जाता है।
जिलेटिन प्रयुक्त करने वाले आम भोजन जिलेटिन डेसर्ट, जैली, ट्राइफल्स, एस्पिक, मार्शमैलो, योगहर्ट, जैली बेबीज, पारदर्शी मिठाइयां, जैम, क्रीम, पनीर, च्युइंगम, केक, आइसिंग और फ्रॉसिंटग, बवेरियन क्रीम, खट्टी क्रीम, टर्किश डिलाइट, मारगरीन, केकके मिश्रण, आईसक्रीम, कॉफी तथा पाऊडर वाला दूध है।
इसका उपयोग जैली वाले सूप, सॉस और तरी, डिब्बाबंद हैम तथा चिकन, कॉर्नड बीफ, सॉसेज में किया जाता है। इसका उपयोग वसा का एहसासकरवाने तथा कैलोरियों को बढ़ाए बिना मात्रा बनाने के लिए वसा कम किए गए भोजनों में भी किया जाता है। इसका उपयोग जूसों को साफ करने के लिए भी किया जाता है, जैसे कि सेब का जूस और सिरका।
पीले रंग के शीतल पेयों में जिलेटिन होता है क्योंकि यह बीटा-कैरोटीन को पानी में घुलने वाला बना देता है। भारतीय बाजार में उपलब्ध होने वाले कुछ उत्पाद ये हैं- मैन्टॉस, ट्राइडैंट गम, मिंट, स्किटल्स, स्टार ब्रस्ट, एम. एंड एम., कप केक, स्निकर बार, कैलॉगस राइस क्रिस्पी, रांच सलाद ड्रैसिंग, हर्शे चीटो, ट्विकस बार, कैलॉगस मार्शमैलो, फ्रूट लूप्स सीरल, कैलॉगस फ्रास्टिड पॉप-टार्टस, कैलॉगस फ्रॉस्टिड मिनी व्हीट्स सीरल, कैलॉगस फ्रूट-फ्लेवर्ड स्नैक, मिल्की वे, योपलेट योगहर्ट।
जिलेटिन फार्मास्युटिकल कैप्सूलों की शैल होती है। जिलेटिन का उपयोग भीतर लगाए जाने वाले चिकित्सा उपकरणों में एक अवयव के रूप में भी किया जाता है, जैसे कि किसी हड्डी की खाली जगह को भरने में। यह गोलियों तथा ऑइन्टमैंट (मरहम) में भी होता है।
जिलेटिन हड्डियों के गोंद जैसे होता है और इसका उपयोग माचिस के सिरों तथा रेगमार में एक चिपकाने वाले के रूप में किया जाता है। इसका उपयोग लगभग सभी फोटोग्राफिक फिल्मों तथा फोटोग्राफिक कागजों में एक इमल्शन में सिल्वर हैलाइड कणों को रोकने के लिए किया जाता है।
सौंदर्य प्रसाधनों में जिलेटिन हाईड्रोलाइज्ड कोलाजन के नाम से शामिल किया जाता है। जिलेटिन का उपयोग नेलपॉलिश रिमूवर तथा मेकअप के सामानों में भी किया जाता है। जिलेटिन को किसी मॉडल की प्राकृतिक त्वचा टोन से मेल खाने के लिए अक्सर विभिन्न रंगों में रंगा गया होताहै।
जिलेटिन कुछ चमकीले प्रिंटिंग वाले कागजों, चित्र बनाने वाले कागजों तथा ताश के पत्तों में पाया जाता है। यह क्रेप कागज में सिलवटें बनाए रखता है। बैलिस्टिक जिलेटिन के  ब्लाक हथियारों के गोला-बारूद के परीक्षण हेतु एक मानक मीडियम के रूप में मांसपेशियों के टिशुओं जैसे प्रतीत होते हैं।
कोशिकाओं को पैदा करने के लिए एक जैवकीय सबस्ट्रेट के रूप में इसका उपयोग आम है। जिलेटिन के विकल्पों में गैर-पशु जैल स्त्रोत जैसे कि अगार-अगार (एक समुद्र खरपतवार), पैक्टिन कोंजक और गुआर गम शामिल हैं परन्तु उनका उपयोग तब तक नहीं किया जाएगा जब तक आप उनकी मांग नहीं करेंगे।

गुरुवार, 27 फ़रवरी 2014

।।सभी मित्रो को महाशिवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं एवं बधाई ।।

।।सभी मित्रो को महाशिवरात्रि की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं एवं बधाई ।। 
।। जय भोलेनाथ ।। 
जय महाकाल, हर हर महादेव..

बुधवार, 26 फ़रवरी 2014

The Cow's Panch gavya has following powers:

The Cow's Panch gavya has following powers:

Panchgvya of Red Cow:solve problem related to pitt.
Panchgvya of White Cow:solve problem related to kaff.
Panchgvya of Black Cow:solve problem related to Vaat.
Cow's Milk:gives power, and cooling to body. Must take 200-400 gram per day.
Cow's ghee:solve all tridosh problems. Take 20-40 grams per day.
Cow's Curd:good of man, purifies blood full of energy. Take 20-30 gram per day.
Cow's Urine:solve all tridosh problems and is an simple solution for over 100 health problems. Take 25-50 ml. daily.

Comparative of Indigenous and Exotic Cows

Comparative of Indigenous and Exotic Cows
indigenous cow
DD Singh, P Kumar and RS Chauhan
Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary and Animal sciences, G.B. Pant
University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar–263 145 (Uttaranchal), *Joint
Director (CADRAD) IVRI Izat nagar-243122. U.P. India
There are number of misconceptions regarding the usefulness of Indigenous cows. As the indigenous cows are low milch breeds, so people hesitate to keep them. Although indigenous cows are low milk producers but are useful in many ways for the families who are dependent on them. Without any biasness, both indigenous (I) and exotic/crossbred (E/C) cows have been compared, here in:
Indian Cow with HumpExotic Cross-bred Cow
Indian cows and bulls have hump, which is quite larger in bulls, useful in drafting.
Their back is without hump and straight so their bulls are less suitable for drafting.
Body length and size are medium or small.
Size and length of body are quite large.
In indigenous cows, dewlap is well developed which is useful for heat tolerance.
Dewlap is less developed so cannot tolerate heat stress.
They have well developed horns.
Hornless or with small horns.
Udder is medium to smaller in size, so less prone to mastitis.
Well developed udder, susceptible for mastitis.
Draft breeds have less milk production capacity but it can be enhanced by using selective breeding, good quality fodder and concentrates.
High milk producing animals. Bulls are quite active and strong enough to be used for agricultural operations and drafting.
Their bulls are not so active and inefficient for agricultural work.
Sound produced by indigenous cows are quite loud with high pitch. Sound slow with low pitch.
Indigenous cows are emotional and faithful to their owners.
They do not have any emotional attachment with owner.
Indigenous cows have originated from real cows. In forests, during grazing if their owner’s are attacked by lion or other wild animals, they make a protection zone around their owner to protect him.
They are originated from deer, chilighum, ketic, antelope etc. like animals. So they can be called as milking animal but not cow, as in our country Neelgay is not a cow, it is of deer family, in the same way, these cows resemble with the meting /sin animals of Burma, Jawa and Bali Islands.

Indigenous cows are acclimatized to Indian conditions so they can survive in any climatic conditions without affecting their performance. They can survive the summer temperature upto 48-50°C and winter as well.
They can survive only in colder regions/countries. In our country their acclimatiza- tion proved to be quite difficult.
Extra arrangements are needed to control the environmental temperature, otherwise their production goes down, rather they become ill and succumb to death.
Rearing of indigenous cows is quite cheap. They can be kept on grazing in grasslands, even with less feed, their performances are not effected. They do not need extra sheds as they live along with the owner in same hut.
As their production is good at low temperature under better hygiene, feed and managemental conditions, so, they need special devices of temperature regulation, sheds and fodder for production which impose extra economic burden on the farmer.
Indigenous cows have strong immunity therefore, outbreaks of different diseases are seen in low profile. They are even less susceptible to Rinderpest, H.S. etc. so there is less economical loss.
As their immune system is comparatively weak so they get infected with infections such as Riderpest, Haemorrhagic septicemia (HS), Foot and Mouth disease (FMD) etc. Frequency of illness is more in these cows.
As they are low milk produce so are less susceptible for udder ailments. Mastitis is occasionally seen that too, can be treated easily due to presence of sufficient macrophages in udder and teats.
As they are high milk, so are more susceptible for mastitis. Bacteria present on the skin and udder surface can easily enter in teat canal to cause disease, so performance get reduced. To prevent mastitis many hygienic and sanitary measures are needed requiring high expenses.

I: Generally they do not transmitt diseases.
E/C: Transmitt a number of diseases through import including mycoplasma, babesiosis, thelariosis, infectious abortion, pneumonia, diarrhoea, rotavirus infection leptospirosis, tuberculosis, brucellosis, clamydiosis, Johne’s disease, herpes virus infection. Many of the above diseases were absent in our country but entered through contaminated semen, milk, cows and bulls. They are causing a great economical hazard to our country.
I: Milk of indigenous cows are more nutritionally or scientifically beneficial, as some chemicals and micronutrients like cytokines, minerals and interferons present will enhance the immune system of consumers.
E/C: Due to large quantity, their milk is thinner in consistency and thought to be less nutritious.
I: Males of indigenous cows are used for agricultural and draft purpose. Their strength, working efficiency and adaptability are the boon for agriculture and drafting. They, not only plough our field but increase the production of field through their dung and urine. On the other hand, tractors which are driven by petrol/diesel pollute the field having harmful effects on our body in the form of residues.
E/C: Working efficiency of these bulls are less than indigenous ones, hence they are not much useful for agricultural purposes.
I: Drafting bulls were mainly used for ploughing, water pumping, carriage of grains and luggage from rural to urban areas but presently these works are being performed by buses, trucks and tractors, which are driven by petrol/diesel. These vehicles creates a lot of pollution and increasing our dependency on foreign countries for fuel.
E/C: They are not used for such works.
I: Expired air of indigenous cows contain some amounts of oxygen which is useful for human beings as well as for environment.
E/C: They have no such property. Their expired air have lot of carbon dioxide.
I: As indigenous cows are quite resistant, so the spread of zoonotic diseases like tuberculosis and brucellosis are less even though owner and cows live under same roof.
E/C: Exotic and crossbred animals are much susceptible to infections such as tuberculosis, mycoplasmosis, leptospirosis and several viral infections and also transmit them to human beings through their milk, urine, dung, contact and air.
Diagnosis of such diseases are quite difficult but surveys showed that most of such diseases spread from animal to man.
I: Indigenous cows are acclimatized according to environments. They are capable to produce lesser amount of carbon dioxide, methane, carbon monoxide and ammonia after digestion of feed and fodder.
E/C: They produce excessive amount of these harmful gases that destroys the ozone layer leading to green house effect. So these cows are harmful to our environment and are helpful in increasing the ultraviolet radiation on earth.
I: Different types of medicines are prepared from milk, curd, butter, ghee, urine and dung of indigenous cows, which are drug of choice for different incurable diseases.
E/C: Their products and by products do not have such properties.
I: Desi cows are kept for milk, calf and their products like cow urine, dung etc. and there is no need of oxytocin injections for let down of milk.
E/C: Exotic or crossbred cows are mainly kept for milk so oxytocin injections are frequently used to enhance the milk let down, which is hazardous for human health.
I: Desi cows are faithful towards owners, if there is any thief, smoke or wild animal they make a lot of sound to awaken their owner.
E/C: These cows do not have such property.
I: Desi cow’s urine is quite useful therefore, being added in Panchgavya and Panchamitra. Current studies showed that it enhances reproductive performance and immunity of our body.
E/C: There is no such property in their urine.
I: Desi cow’s dung protect houses from ultraviolet radiation. Many bacteria and microorganisms present in the dung which act as probiotics.
E/C: Dung of exotic or crossbred have no such property.
I: There are believes that tuberculosis can be treated by sleeping near to the desi cow and it also enhances the mental equilibria.
E/C: They transmitt a lot diseases to accompanying persons.
I: The urine and dung of grazing desi cows have many medicinal properties and dung of such cows are free from foul smell.
E/C: Their dung and urine have no medicinal property as they are fed on high concentrate ration so there is foul smell in their dung.
I: Desi cow dung is used to treat cholera bacteria infection.
E/C: Their dung has no such property.
I: Desi cow remain healthy and can survive and produce in unhygienic and contaminated environment.
E/C: Exotic and crossbred cows show good production performance in hygienic and sanitary conditions but under poor hygiene, death rate and infertility increases.
I: Management of desi cow is quite easy and cheap.
E/C: Management of exotic and crossbred is quite complex and expensive.

Many of these characters of desi and exotic/crossbred cows are scientifically proven and some are under investigation. Information mentioned in this paper is based on scientific experiences and studies. Some of them have found places in journals and books, many more are still in the process, which require systematic and continued scientific investigation.
Jai Gaumata!
Jai Gopal!!
Jai Bharat!!!

The causes miserable condition and slaughter in India

The causes miserable condition and slaughter in India
  1. Forgetting of our ancient culture. Our sages have found cows as a most useful animal.
  2. Explosion of population. Lack of grazing fields. Lack of campus in the homes. Small houses in town and cities where difficult to keep cows. Increase of price rise. The people leave the cow not giving the milk on the streets.
  3. The superstitious worship of the cow but not improving its condition.
  4. The Indians are becoming more and more materialistic and adopting western civilization. They are getting alienated from spiritual values and respect for the cow.
  5. All the Indian govts. has valued the foreign cows as a result the Indian cow is ignored.
  6. The reverence for the cow played a role in the Indian rebellion against the British East India Company. As per the history, Hindu in the army of the East India Company came to believe their oiled paper cartridges, which held a measured amount of gunpowder, was greased with cow fat. Since loading the gun required biting off the end of the paper cartridge, they believed that the British were forcing them to break ethic of their religion. Slavery of the country - First the Mughal and later on British perverted our culture and history. Mangal Pande revolted against the use of fat of cow in the bullet of the gun by the British which is resulted in the revolt of 1857. Saguru Ram Singh’s Disciples attacked the slaughter house in Malerkotla (Punjab) and killed the butcher. The British govt. hanged some of them and punished the others with life imprisonment. The British govt. encouraged the creating of slaughter houses and eating of beef.
Jai Gaumata!
Jai Gopal!!
Jai Bharat!!!


The two most astonishing thing for the British who invaded India were:
The Indian Gurukula system
The Indian agriculture system.
The Governor of British India Robert Clive made an extensive research on the agriculture system in India.
The outcome of the research was as follows:-
1. Cows were the basis of Indian agriculture in India cannot be executed without the help of cow.
2. To break the Backbone of Indian agriculture cows had to be eliminated.
The first slaughterhouse in India was started in 1760, with a capacity to kill 30,000 (Thirty Thousand Only) per day, at least one crore cows were eliminated in an years time. He estimated that the number of cows in Bengal outnumbered the number of men similar was the situation in the rest of India.
As a part of the Master plan to destabilize the India, cow slaughter was initiated. Once the cows were slaughtered then there was no manure and there in no insecticide like cow urine. Robert Clive started a number of slaughter houses before he left India.
A hypothesis to understand the position of Indian agriculture without slaughter houses. In 1740 in the Arcot District of Tamil Nadu, 45 Quintals of rice was harvested from one acre of land using simple manure and pesticides like cow urine and cow dung.
As a result of the 350 slaughterhouses which worked day and night by 1910. India was practically bereft of cattle. India had to approach England’s doorstep for industrial manure. Thus industrial manure like urea and phosphate made way to India.
Centuries ago, there were no industries in India. But still India was the richest country in the world which attracted the attention of the invaders. The reason for all this was India’s focus on cow protection and agriculture. As India’s focus shifted from cow protection and agriculture to industry, India was reduced to severe poverty. Industries benefitted a few, helped a few to become millionaires, but condition of masses considerably deteriorated. People left clean and healthy villages life and migrated to cities to live in slums and work is hellish factories.
In Sanskrit literatures Cow is referred to as ‘Kamadhenu’, bestowed of all desires on human beings. In India every drop of milk is put to good use.
   Every inch of mother cow is meant for the benefit of humanity, weather living or dead. In Indian villages, house flooring and walls are smeared with cow dung and cow dung patties are used as fuel. When cows graze in fields, they fertilize the soil by their urine and dung. On an average, a cow given birth to ten calves in her life time way also she benefits the keeper.
Cow is economically useful not only alive but also when she is dead. The cobbler class use hide for shoe making. Bones, hooves and horns are turned into fertilizer. It has been found that if an average cow’s contribution in her life time is quantified in money, it comes to millions of rupees. Thus cow represents sound economics.
Lord Macaulay’s Address to the British Parliament 2 February, 1835
“I have travelled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values people of such caliber, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self esteem, their native culture and they will become what we want them a truly dominated nation.”
He also said that we must do our best to form a class who may be interpreters between us and the millions whom we govern; a class of persons, Indian in blood and color, but English in taste, in opinions, in words and in intellect.
After India attained independence in the name of “Green Revolution” there was intensive use of industrial manure. Before British left India, The daily news paper Guardian interviewed India. To one of the questions Gandhiji answered, houses in India would be closed.
In 1929 Nehru in a public meeting stated t hat if he were to become the prime minister of India, the first thing he would do is to stop all the slaughterhouses.
The tragedy of the situation is since 1947 the number has increased from 350 to 36,000 (Thirty Six Thousand) slaughter houses. Today, the highly mechanized slaughter houses Al-kabir and Devanar of Andra Pradesh and Maharashtra has the capacity to slaughter 10,000 (Ten thousand) cows at a time.
It’s a warning signal to one and all in India to rise to the occasion!!!

Swami Vivekanand while speaking once on yoga said that perfect yogi is in unison with the nature and contributes to the balance of the nature. The people asked him, “Is there any such yogi on this earth? Taking a deep breath he said it is present before you pointing towards a cow but you should have insight or foresight to see. He said that the cow is the perfect yogi on this earth or when yogi becomes perfect he behaves like a cow. Cow is able to vibrate its whole body from toes to head at a time in the same way as perfect Yogi makes himself to command of each and every part and parcel of the body. Both have power to control, command their own sensations and inert themselves and those who are able to unite, balance, control and command himself can command, control, balance and can affect the entire creation.
The greatest problem today is global warming. In spite of achievements of science, man on earth is affected by natural calamities. This problem is going to swallow the whole world. Scientists, political leaders, sociologists and spiritualists have no effective solution for this problem. There is a story that Mother Earth went to God in the shape of cow and painfully put before Him its anguish and the growing imbalance in the nature. In the Vedas cow has been compared to earth also. The scientist of Russia in their research of Para physics found that cat catches negative energies while cow emits positive energies. The cow wherever sits or in whichever position it emits constant positive energy and forms an electromagnetic wave circle which protects the whole earth. If anybody can save this world it is cow.
In Veda word “Vatsal (Total affection)” is used as synonym for cowcalf Wherever cow sits with calves its vibration is so deep and intense that it effects and make harmonious the under layers of lava and magma. The cow wealth was considered the biggest wealth by kings and Rishis. Out of the four mothers described in the Vedas one Ahinya (Not to be killed) is called the mother cow. The slaughter of the cows and their disrespect can upset the balance of the nature. The holy as it is, its torture can create havoc for mankind. If we don’t take corrective steps then it will be dooms day for the entire mankind and from electronic age mankind will again reverse into Stone Age.
Jai Gaumata!
Jai Gopal!!
Jai Bharat!!!

Gandhi’s view for cow protection

THE COW is a poem of pity. One reads pity in the gentle animal. She is the mother to millions of Indian mankind. Protection of the cow means protection of the whole dumb creation of God. The ancient seer, whoever he was, began with the cow. The appeal of the lower order of creation is all the more forcible because it is speechless.
I worship it and I shall defend its worship against the whole world.
Mother Cow is in many ways better than the mother who gave us birth. Our mother gives us milk for a couple of years and then expects us to serve her when we grow up. Mother cow expects from us nothing but grass and grain. Our mother often falls ill and expects service from us. Mother cow rarely falls ill.
Here is an unbroken record of service, which does not end with her death. Our mother, when she dies, means expenses of burial or cremation. Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive. We can make use of every part of her body-her flesh, her bones, her intestines, her horns and her skin. Well, I say this not to disparage the mother who gives us birth, but in order to show you the substantial reasons for my worshipping the cow.

The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection. Cow protection to me is one of the most wonderful phenomena in human evolution. It takes the human being beyond this species. The cow to me means the entire sub-human world. Man through the cow is enjoined to realize his identity with all that lives. Why the cow was selected for apotheosis is obvious to me. The cow was in India the best companion. She was the giver of plenty. Not only did she give milk, but she also ade agriculture possible….. Cow protection is the gift of Hinduism to the world. And Hinduism will live so ling as there are Hindus to protect the cow……
Hindus will be judged not by their TILAKS, not by the correct chanting of MANTRAS, not by their pilgrimages, not by their most punctilious observances of caste rules, but their ability to protect the cow.

My religion teaches me that I should by personal conduct instil into the minds of those who might hold different views, the conviction that cow-killing is a sin and that, therefore, it ought to be abandoned.
Cow slaughter can never be stopped by law. Knowledge, education, and the spirit of kindliness towards her alone can put and end to it. It will not be possible to save those animals that are a burden on the land or, perhaps, even man if he is a burden.
My ambition is no less than to see the principle of cow protection established throughout the world. But that requires that I should set my own house thoroughly in order first.
Cow protection to me is not mere protection of the cow. It means protection of that lives and is helpless and weak in the world.
But lit me reiterate….that legislative prohibition is the smallest part of any programme of cow protection.
Then, how can the cow be saved without having to kill her off when she ceases to give the economic quantity of milk or when one becomes otherwise an uneconomic burden? The answer to the question can be summed up as follows:
By the Hindus performing their duty towards the cow and her progeny. If they did so, our cattle would be the pride of India and the world. The contrary is the case today.
By learning the science of cattle-breeding. Today there is perfect anarchy in this work.
By replacing the present cruel method of castration by the humane method practiced in the West.
By thorough reform of the PINJRAPOLES [institutions for aged cows] of India, which are today, as a rule, managed ignorantly and without any plan by men who do not know their work.
When these primary things are done, it will be found that the Muslims will, of their own accord, recognize the necessity, if only for the sake of their Hindus brethren, of not slaughtering cattle for beef or otherwise.
The reader will observe that behind the foregoing requirements lies one thing and that is AHIMSA, otherwise known as universal compassion. If that supreme thing is realized, everything else becomes easy. Where there is AHIMSA, there is INFINITE patience, inner calm, discrimination, self-sacrifice and true knowledge.
The cow to me is a sermon on pity.
The cow is the purest type of sub-human life.
Mother cow is as useful dead as when she is alive.
Mother cow expects from us nothing but grass and grain.
Mother cow is in many ways better than the mother who gave use birth.
Man through the cow is enjoined to realize his identity with all that lives.
Cow protection is the gift of Hinduism to the world.
Cow protection to me is one of the most wonderful phenomena in the human evolution.
We cry for cow protection in the name of religion, but we refuse protection to the human cow in the shape of the girl widow.
Cow protection can only be secured by cultivating universal friendliness, i.e. ahimsa.
Cow protection means protection of the weak, the helpless, the dumb and the deaf.
Cow protection to me is infinitely more than mere protection of the cow.
The central fact of Hinduism is cow protection.
Cow preservation is an article of faith in Hinduism.
The only way Hindus can convert the whole world to cow protection is by giving and object-lesson in cow protection and all it means.
My religion teaches me that I should by my personal conduct in still into the minds of those who might hold different views the conviction that cow-killing is a sin.
By ahimsa we will be able to save the cow and also to win the friendship of the English.
When I see a cow, it is not an animal to eat; it is a poem of pity for me and I worship it and I shall defend its worship against the whole world.
If I were overfull of pity for the cow, I should sacrifice my life to save her but not to take my brother’s.
Cow-slaughter and man-slaughter are in my opinion the two sides of the same coin.
Cow-slaughter can never be stopped by law.
The cow can be saved only if buffalo-breeding is given up.
It is no part of religion to breed buffaloes or, for that matter, cows.
Nowhere in the world you find such skeletons of cows and bullocks as youdo in our cow-worshipping India. 
Jai Gaumata!
Jai Gopal!!
Jai Bharat!!!

Cow in Indian Constitution

Cow slaughter is banned except in the states of Kerala, West Bengal and the seven north eastern states. Cows are routinely shipped to these states for slaughter, even though it is illegal to transport cows for slaughter across provincial borders. However, many illegal private slaughterhouses also operate in big cities such as Mumbai. While there are approximately 3,600 slaughterhouses operating legally in India, there are estimated to be over 30,000 illegal slaughterhouses. The efforts to close them down have so far been largely unsuccessful.
According to the Animal Laws in India, Cows cannot be slaughtered. (See Animal Laws) Slaughtering Cows is slaughtering the economy of the country. The practice of slaughter is extremely cruel and a disaster for the community and its agriculture-based economy.
Originally, in India, milk was not the only important product from the cattle. Cows and bulls were used in fields and their dung and urine were used to make compost, medicine and other health products. Only the little extra milk left from the cow after feeding her calf was used by the family who owned the cow. The cow was not yet considered a “Milk producing machine only”.
The directive principle of state policy as described in our constitution emphasizes the conservation of the cow generation. The 48 article of the constitution mentions that “Government will protect and grow cows. No Democratic Government in India will work against this directive principle.”
As per the verdict of the Supreme Court the law on prohibition of cow slaughter is constitutional. The mission wants to propagate this verdict and to stop cow slaughter in the states where this law is not made.

Slaughter of cow: main cause of Earthquake

The devastating calamity of earthquake happens due to collective slaughter of living creature. This statement looks very strange but the renowned scientist of Delhi University Dr. Madan Mohan Bajaj has proved it to be right with help of his two other scientists. Dr. Bajaj has given his glorious research thesis title “Visprabhaw”. Dr. Bajaj placed his important research thesis in June 1995 in one of the international scientist conference held in Sudal town near Moscow, the capital of Russia. This research paper not only created a stir among the scientific but nullified all the theories regarding earthquake. In fact this revolutionary research paper put nonviolence and coexistence on scientific basis and became beginning of the new era.
This research paper on the one hand has inter related science and philosophy in a wonderful manner it has also made clear that earthquake happens because of the follies of human beings and if man wants he can stop earthquake. The research of three doctors, Bajaj, Ibhrahim and Singh actually substantiate Einstein Pain wave’s theory. Radio, T.V. Satellites even explosive atom bomb are moved by vibrations. Not only this, on the basis of vibrations, a Russian Scientist brought the dust from moon by the use of an instrument caused luneokhod by using it from the earth itself. Similarly, earthquake is caused by pain waves.
According to scientists, three types of waves are present on this earth; the primary waves, secondary waves and third are under layer waves. The first type of waves run very fast but the second one with the slow speed at the time of killing of living creatures leave waves emit pain waves. Such pain waves go on increasing and intensifying by more and more killings of the creatures and when the energy of these waves becomes expressive then these waves shake the earth which is known as earthquake.
According to this research it is established that when there is a large scale of slaughter of creature whether human beings or animals and the pain waves are created by these slaughters that is caused Einstein Pain waves and these waves are so powerful that the earth starts shaking which is in common language is called Earthquake.
The research papers state that the relation between the slaughters of the creatures, the earthquake is the same as that of overloading the body with the extra food creates indigestion. It is not essential that earthquake will come where these killings are happening. Earthquake can happen and come in any part of the world because of the effect of those waves. Dr. Bajaj based finding of his research paper on the basis of under given scientific basis:-
i) Seeing of the earthquake light;
ii) Increase of radiations in the under earth water;
iii) The increase of anisotropy of sound and pressure on the rocks;
iv) Creation of poisonous gases like, fasgene.
Before earthquake, variation in the under land water increases ten times and gets concentrated. This fact has been substantiated by the scientist of Japan & China. As the Einstein Pain waves increase, anisotropy also goes on increasing. What is important to know that Einstein Pain waves are the main cause of earthquake which occur because of the killing of the creatures. It has been established by experiments, E.P. waves continue keep floating and gets power stores in the different layers of the land. By the pressure of E.P. waves, anisotropy increases which puts pressure on the rocks. It increases and causes earthquake.
As the E.P. waves are directly connected with the killing of the creatures, therefore, there is no doubt about the fact wherever there is slaughter houses or where more killings happen there the fear of earthquake will also be greater. But if killing stop, then E.P. waves omission will stop automatically and there will be no apprehension of earthquake. Therefore, the slaughter houses should be closed. Research paper further say that only E.P. waves cause earthquake.
There are many other reasons also like explosion of atom bombs under earth, lava process, construction of water tanks and extraction of diesel and lubricants are also the reasons of earthquake. But the truth is that most of the earthquake takes place because of increase in the E.P. waves which are created because of the killing of the creatures. Maximum numbers of earthquakes are taking place now. Earlier it never happen like that.
The Indian sages and Rishis have taught certain methods and ways to protect themselves from natural and metaphysical calamities but they have not mentioned the destructive calamity of earthquake. It may be at that time earthquake did not happen and even if it occurred they put heavy restriction on killing of the creature. That is why killing of the living beings is considered a heinous sin and the slaughter of cow is considered the worst sin as the killing of a Brahmin.
There are many countries which are beef eaters and slaughter thousands of cows to supply the beef. Most of the countries are creating slaughter houses for exporting the cows. These countries were competing for killing of cow more and more do not know that fallout will be very harmful for the mankind. Every living being has a soul. Therefore, killing of a living being is the indication of destruction of the world. 

Save the Cow Save the Earth!

A Solution of Global Warming

There is a fall out of waste material in the interaction between matter and energy, in the recycling process of matter from energy and energy from matter, in the exchange and explosion of interaction a lot of waste materials is created which cause a lot of pressure on the earth. Scientists have not been able to find out the way to dispose of waste materials created by nuclear explosion which is affecting badly the climate and environment. All the Heads of the states are worried about this fact but are finding no solution to the emission of the waste materials.
Nuclear explosion is happening constantly in the sun also but in fusion of energy of sun there is no fall out of the waste material but in the earthly nuclear explosion in fission reaction the waste material is not being converted into positive energy. The man is creating lot of waste material in its scientific processes and researches which is polluting the nature. While in human being billions of atoms and sub-atoms are getting transformed affecting the nature also. The nature is losing its balance because of these processes.
In the Vedas the word sun is used as synonym for cow. Just as fusion reaction of the sun is harmless similarly the cow internal and external reaction are such that they don’t have any negative effect on the nature. So much so the oxygen that cow takes it filters it and gives back to nature. From Vedas onwards the tradition of Rishis and saints Eulogize the cow as mother. Cow as a giver donates both to nature and human society and takes nothing from it. Cow embodiments virtues like sacrifice forgiveness, mercy, patience, perseverance, tolerance and goodness of the people. 

  Swami Vivekanand while speaking once on yoga said that perfect yogi is in unison with the nature and contributes to the balance of the nature. The people asked him, “Is there any such yogi on this earth? Taking a deep breath he said it is present before you pointing towards a cow but you should have insight or foresight to see. He said that the cow is the perfect yogi on this earth or when yogi becomes perfect he behaves like a cow. Cow is able to vibrate its whole body from toes to head at a time in the same way as perfect Yogi makes himself to command of each and every part and parcel of the body. Both have power to control, command their own sensations and inert themselves and those who are able to unite, balance, control and command himself can command, control, balance and can affect the entire creation. 
The greatest problem today is global warming. In spite of achievements of science, man on earth is affected by natural calamities. This problem is going to swallow the whole world. Scientists, political leaders, sociologists and spiritualists have no effective solution for this problem. There is a story that Mother Earth went to God in the shape of cow and painfully put before Him its anguish and the growing imbalance in the nature. In the Vedas cow has been compared to earth also. The scientist of Russia in their research of Para physics found that cat catches negative energies while cow emits positive energies. The cow wherever sits or in whichever position it emits constant positive energy and forms an electromagnetic wave circle which protects the whole earth. If anybody can save this world it is cow.
In Veda word “Vatsal (Total affection)” is used as synonym for cowcalf Wherever cow sits with calves its vibration is so deep and intense that it effects and make harmonious the under layers of lava and magma. The cow wealth was considered the biggest wealth by kings and Rishis. Out of the four mothers described in the Vedas one Ahinya (Not to be killed) is called the mother cow. The slaughter of the cows and their disrespect can upset the balance of the nature. The holy as it is, its torture can create havoc for mankind. If we don’t take corrective steps then it will be dooms day for the entire mankind and from electronic age mankind will again reverse into Stone Age.

In Sanskrit the literal meaning of the word Gau is ray of sun and earth. The meaning of the ray of sun is very scientific. The cow absorbs sun energy through its rays and gives us milk and dung which is very useful for human being. In Atharv Veda the meaning of word Gau is dynamism which implies that it always helps the human being to go ahead. Gau and Gopal reflect the culture of Brij land. The literal meaning of Brij is a land where cluster of cows are grazing. The entire land belongs to Gopal the one who brings up the cow that is the Lord Krishna.
From the Vedic period onwards cow is respected like a mother. Protection, maintenance and worship of the mother is inherent in our culture. All the Hindu Sanskaras are performed with Panchamrit of a cow. From time immemorial Gopal, Gobind, Gokul, Gomukh and Goverdhan the words are used in good sense. All these show the importance and greatness of cow. The Gau, the Geeta, The Ganga and the Gayatri have been the symbols of Indian culture. In one of the Punjabi song it is said the worship of mother is the worship of the god. Mother is the embodiment of Godliness. The mother is also another form of God we treat cow as our mother and know very well its importance in our life. 
The cow has more patience to bear suffering than all other creatures. It takes upon her suffering of others. The science should make public the fact that cow is helping the nature and human being even cow saliva cleans aura of human beings. We have to take the moral responsibilities for cruelty towards cow. We all are responsible for the worst condition of the cow. We cannot blame one segment of the society. Arise, awake that cow is part of our civilization and culture, the cow is our direction and destiny and if we ignore cow the nature will ignore us. 
Oh my youth, brothers and sisters I hearken you to serve and protect the cow which is pure like the Ganges, Geeta, Gayatri and get merit and blessing here and here after. 

मंगलवार, 25 फ़रवरी 2014

एक ऐसा इतिहास जो अंग्रेजो ने छुपा कर रखा और इस देश के इतिहास कारो ने भी उसका जिक्र नहीं किया

1870 का एक ऐसा इतिहास जो अंग्रेजो ने छुपा कर रखा और इस देश के इतिहास कारो ने भी उसका जिक्र नहीं किया ........1870 से 1894 तक यानी पुरे 24 साल तक गो हत्या निषेध आन्दोलन का जबरदस्त विरोध हुआ ......और इस आन्दोलन की सुरुआत आर्य समाज ने किया था ......परंम पूजनीय महर्षिय दयाआनद से दीक्षा लेकर नोजवान इस आन्दोलन में कूदे थे।

ये आन्दोलन जींद से सुरु हुई थी......और ये प्रण लिया गया था की गाय को कटने नहीं देंगे और जो अंग्रेज उसे काटेगा उसे हम काटेंगे। जींद से शुरु हुई ये आन्दोलन पुरे भारत में फ़ैल गई थी। एक करोड़ से जायदा कार्य कर्ता पुरे देश में विरोध कर रहे थे। जानते हैं ये विरोध कैसे करते थे .......जहा जहा अंग्रेजो के कत्ल खाने थे उसके आगे ये समूह में लेट जाते थे ....और जो गाडिया पशुओ से भर कर ले जाते थे उससे कहते की पहले हमें मारो फिर गो माता को मारना इस तरह गाय कटने बंद होने लगे .....और इने लोगो ने किशानो को समझाना शुरु किया की हम गाय पालते हैं ।अंग्रेज काटते हैं। हम बेचेंगे नहीं तो वो गाय काटेंगे कैसे।।

अब अंग्रेजो की मुश्किल बढती जा रही थी। क्यूंकि वो बिना गो मॉस खाए नहीं रह सकते थे ......धीरे धीरे अंग्रेजो सेना में ही विद्रोह पड़ने लगे था .......उनका कहना था की गो मॉस नहीं मिला तो हम बगावत करेंगे ........इस तरह मुश्किले बढ़ने लगी थी.....अंग्रेजो के लिए एक तरफ कुआ और एक तरफ खाई की स्तिथि हो गई थी। तब विक्टोरिया ने हस्तछेप किया और लेंस डाउन नामक अंग्रेज को पत्र लिखा.....

पत्र में लिखा की .........ये जो गाये कटती हैं हमारे लिए ही कटती हैं क्यूंकि भारत भाषी खाना पसंद नहीं करते हैं। यहाँ तक की मुश्ल्मान भी इसे नहीं खाते हैं क्यूंकि उनका मानना हैं की उनके पूर्वज भी हिन्दू ही थे। तो अब जो गाय कटने बंद हुए हैं इसका एक ही उपाय हैं की क़त्ल खाने में गाय काटने के लिए मुस्लिम को ही भर्ती करो (पहले अंग्रेज ही काटते थे) और हिन्दुओ को ये बताओ की तुम्हारी जो गाय कट रहे हैं मुश्लिम काट रहे हैं ........ तो इस तरह सुरु हुआ फुट डालो शासन करो .......अब तक जो दोनों साथ मिलकर इस आन्दोलन में हिस्शेदार थे अब एक दुसरे के विरोधी होने वाले थे।

अब लेंस डाउन ने पत्र पढने के बाद भर्ती करने के लिए मुश्लिम को बुलाया ......लेकिन कोई मुश्लिम ने हामी नहीं भरा .......फिर कहा लेंस डाउन ने की कोई तो होगा मुश्लिम समुदाय में खोजो......तब कुरेसी समुदाय समुदाय को मारकर ,पीटकर , प्रताड़ित कर भर्ती किया .... मारकर और पीटकर जो गाय कटवाते थे .......अंग्रेज जाकर प्रचारित करते की देखो मुश्लिम तुम्हारी गाय काट रहे हैं ........और इस तरह शुरू हुआ हिंदू मुश्लिम का पहला दंगा 1897 में अंग्रेजो द्वारा ..............

कितनी सालो का आन्दोलन को एक निति ने नष्ट कर दिया .......जो हिन्दू मुश्लिम साथ साथ मिलकर लड़े ......अब दुष्प्रचार से विरोधी हो गए थे और इसका फायदा अंग्रेज बखूबी ले रहे थे .......गाय कटना शुरू हो गया ......और देश में फुट भी पड़ गई

तब से अब तक दोनों में फुट पड़ी हैं ......और गो माँ भी कट रही हैं ......तब वो अंग्रेज थे ......आज ये अनग्रेज हैं।

सोमवार, 24 फ़रवरी 2014

श्री राम कथा की अमृत वर्षा ...।

श्री राम कथा की अमृत वर्षा ...।

श्रीरामचरितमानस गीताप्रेस गोरखपुर ,,
** ** श्री राम चरित मानस का आज का परम पावन पाठ 
** बाल कांड ** प्रभु कृपा से--- दोहा संख्या १८२ से आगे

**** चौपाई : 
* इंद्रजीत सन जो कछु कहेऊ । सो सब जनु पहिलेहिं करि रहेऊ ॥
प्रथमहिं जिन्ह कहुँ आयसु दीन्हा । तिन्ह कर चरित सुनहु जो कीन्हा ॥1॥
* देखत भीमरूप सब पापी । निसिचर निकर देव परितापी ॥
करहिं उपद्रव असुर निकाया । नाना रूप धरहिं करि माया ॥2॥
* जेहि बिधि होइ धर्म निर्मूला । सो सब करहिं बेद प्रतिकूला ॥
जेहिं जेहिं देस धेनु द्विज पावहिं । नगर गाउँ पुर आगि लगावहिं ॥3॥ 
* सुभ आचरन कतहुँ नहिं होई । देव बिप्र गुरु मान न कोई ॥
नहिं हरिभगति जग्य तप ग्याना । सपनेहु सुनिअ न बेद पुराना ॥4॥ 
………. भावार्थ :- मेघनाद से उसने जो कुछ कहा, उसे उसने (मेघनाद ने) मानो पहले से ही कर रखा था (अर्थात्‌ रावण के कहने भर की देर थी, उसने आज्ञापालन में तनिक भी देर नहीं की।) जिनको (रावण ने मेघनाद से) पहले ही आज्ञा दे रखी थी, उन्होंने जो करतूतें की उन्हें सुनो ॥1॥ 
....... सब राक्षसों के समूह देखने में बड़े भयानक, पापी और देवताओं को दुःख देने वाले थे । वे असुरों के समूह उपद्रव करते थे और माया से अनेकों प्रकार के रूप धरते थे ॥2॥ 
........ जिस प्रकार धर्म की जड़ कटे, वे वही सब वेदविरुद्ध काम करते थे । जिस-जिस स्थान में वे गो और ब्राह्मणों को पाते थे, उसी नगर, गाँव और पुरवे में आग लगा देते थे ॥3॥ 
......... (उनके डर से) कहीं भी शुभ आचरण (ब्राह्मण भोजन, यज्ञ, श्राद्ध आदि) नहीं होते थे । देवता, ब्राह्मण और गुरु को कोई नहीं मानता था । न हरिभक्ति थी, न यज्ञ, तप और ज्ञान था । वेद और पुराण तो स्वप्न में भी सुनने को नहीं मिलते थे ॥4॥ 

**** छन्द : 
* जप जोग बिरागा तप मख भागा श्रवन सुनइ दससीसा ।
आपुनु उठि धावइ रहै न पावइ धरि सब घालइ खीसा ॥ 
अस भ्रष्ट अचारा भा संसारा धर्म सुनिअ नहिं काना ।
तेहि बहुबिधि त्रासइ देस निकासइ जो कह बेद पुराना ॥
....... भावार्थ :- जप, योग, वैराग्य, तप तथा यज्ञ में (देवताओं के) भाग पाने की बात रावण कहीं कानों से सुन पाता, तो (उसी समय) स्वयं उठ दौड़ता । कुछ भी रहने नहीं पाता, वह सबको पकड़कर विध्वंस कर डालता था । संसार में ऐसा भ्रष्ट आचरण फैल गया कि धर्म तो कानों में सुनने में नहीं आता था, जो कोई वेद और पुराण कहता, उसको बहुत तरह से त्रास देता और देश से निकाल देता था । 

**** सोरठा : 
* बरनि न जाइ अनीति घोर निसाचर जो करहिं ।
हिंसा पर अति प्रीति तिन्ह के पापहि कवनि मिति ॥183॥ 
....... भावार्थ :- राक्षस लोग जो घोर अत्याचार करते थे, उसका वर्णन नहीं किया जा सकता । हिंसा पर ही जिनकी प्रीति है, उनके पापों का क्या ठिकाना ॥183॥
** मासपारायण, छठा विश्राम **
***** चौपाई : 
* बाढ़े खल बहु चोर जुआरा । जे लंपट परधन परदारा ॥
मानहिं मातु पिता नहिं देवा । साधुन्ह सन करवावहिं सेवा ॥1॥
* जिन्ह के यह आचरन भवानी । ते जानेहु निसिचर सब प्रानी ॥
अतिसय देखि धर्म कै ग्लानी । परम सभीत धरा अकुलानी ॥2॥
* गिरि सरि सिंधु भार नहिं मोही । जस मोहि गरुअ एक परद्रोही ।
सकल धर्म देखइ बिपरीता । कहि न सकइ रावन भय भीता ॥3॥
*धेनु रूप धरि हृदयँ बिचारी । गई तहाँ जहँ सुर मुनि झारी ॥
निज संताप सुनाएसि रोई । काहू तें कछु काज न होई ॥4॥

…… भावार्थ :- पराए धन और पराई स्त्री पर मन चलाने वाले, दुष्ट, चोर और जुआरी बहुत बढ़ गए । लोग माता-पिता और देवताओं को नहीं मानते थे और साधुओं (की सेवा करना तो दूर रहा, उल्टे उन) से सेवा करवाते थे ॥1॥ 
........ (श्री शिवजी कहते हैं कि-) हे भवानी ! जिनके ऐसे आचरण हैं, उन सब प्राणियों को राक्षस ही समझना । इस प्रकार धर्म के प्रति (लोगों की) अतिशय ग्लानि (अरुचि, अनास्था) देखकर पृथ्वी अत्यन्त भयभीत एवं व्याकुल हो गई ॥2॥ 
....... (वह सोचने लगी कि) पर्वतों, नदियों और समुद्रों का बोझ मुझे इतना भारी नहीं जान पड़ता, जितना भारी मुझे एक परद्रोही (दूसरों का अनिष्ट करने वाला) लगता है । पृथ्वी सारे धर्मों को विपरीत देख रही है, पर रावण से भयभीत हुई वह कुछ बोल नहीं सकती ॥3॥ 
........ (अंत में) हृदय में सोच-विचारकर, गो का रूप धारण कर धरती वहाँ गई, जहाँ सब देवता और मुनि (छिपे) थे । पृथ्वी ने रोककर उनको अपना दुःख सुनाया, पर किसी से कुछ काम न बना ॥4॥ 

***** छन्द : 
* सुर मुनि गंधर्बा मिलि करि सर्बा गे बिरंचि के लोका ।
सँग गोतनुधारी भूमि बिचारी परम बिकल भय सोका ॥ 
ब्रह्माँ सब जाना मन अनुमाना मोर कछू न बसाई ।
जा करि तैं दासी सो अबिनासी हमरेउ तोर सहाई ॥
....... भावार्थ :- तब देवता, मुनि और गंधर्व सब मिलकर ब्रह्माजी के लोक (सत्यलोक) को गए । भय और शोक से अत्यन्त व्याकुल बेचारी पृथ्वी भी गो का शरीर धारण किए हुए उनके साथ थी । ब्रह्माजी सब जान गए । उन्होंने मन में अनुमान किया कि इसमें मेरा कुछ भी वश नहीं चलने का । (तब उन्होंने पृथ्वी से कहा कि-) जिसकी तू दासी है, वही अविनाशी हमारा और तुम्हारा दोनों का सहायक है ॥ 

सोरठा : 
* धरनि धरहि मन धीर कह बिरंचि हरि पद सुमिरु ।
जानत जन की पीर प्रभु भंजिहि दारुन बिपति ॥184॥
...... भावार्थ :- ब्रह्माजी ने कहा- हे धरती ! मन में धीरज धारण करके श्री हरि के चरणों का स्मरण करो । प्रभु अपने दासों की पीड़ा को जानते हैं, वे तुम्हारी कठिन विपत्ति का नाश करेंगे ॥184॥ 

** शेष राम कृपा से अगली बार .... जय जय सिया राम *

हुंकार रैली कि फ़ोटो नीचे वाली लिंक में देखिये

हुंकार रैली कि फ़ोटो नीचे वाली लिंक में देखिये 

http://s156.photobucket.com/user/gokranti/library हुंकार रैली का 23 Feb 2014 को सफल आयोजन हुआ। "माँ " "गोमाता राष्ट्रीय माता" के शब्दो से पूरा मैदान गूँज उठा। 

मुस्लिम , सिख , जैन , सभी धर्मो के धर्म गुरुओ ने भाग लिया और गो माता को राष्ट्र माता बनाने का आवाहन किया 

गोपाल मणि महाराज ने सरकार से प्रश्न किये - जब गोमूत्र और देसी गाय के गोबर से अमृतमयी खेती हो सकती है तो क्यों भारत सरकार फ़र्टिलाइज़र विदेशो से इम्पोर्ट करती है --जब गोमाता के गोबर से गोबर गैस बन सकती है तो क्यों गैस का इम्पोर्ट किया जाता है -- भारत भूमि जिसमे देसी गाय के दूध घी दही कि गंगा बहती थी वो आज क्यों गोमास का सबसे बड़ा निर्यात बन गया है। 

डॉ सुरेश चौहान गुडगाँव ने घोषणा करी कि जब तक गोमाता को राष्ट्रीय माता नहीं बनाया जाता तब तक उन्होंने अन्न छोड़ दिया है 

गोपाल मणि महाराज ने कहा कि जब भगवन श्री राम वनवास में गए तब भी गोमाता के शत्रुओ का विनाश करने के लिए अस्त्र धनुस लेकर गए। महाराज ने कहा माला का मतलब "माँ " "ला " अर्थात गोमाता को घर में लाओ। महाराज ने कहा कि गोमाता ने अपमान और मृत्यु में से मृत्यु को चयन किया है। इसलिए हमें गोमाता को उसका खोया हुआ सम्मान पहले देना पड़ेगा , ये तभी सम्भव है जब हम गोमाता को राष्ट्र माता बनाये। महाराज ने कहा कि गोमाता ही हमारी सभी समस्याओ का समाधान है। भारत सोने कि चिड़िया फिर से तभी बनेगी जब हम गोमाता को उसका खोया हुआ सम्मान दिलाये। महाराज ने ये भी कहा कि आंदोलनकारी और अन्न शन पर बैठने वाले लोग भी गोहत्यारो का साथ दे रहे है (अन्ना जो ममता का साथ दे रहे है )। महाराज ने कहा कि ज्यादा से ज्यादा गोभक्तो को पार्लियामेंट में लाये। 

गोपाल मणि महाराज कि गोकथा से प्रेरित होकर 4 लाख लोग गोमाता को अपने घर ले आये है। महाराज ने कहा गोमाता के महत्व को घर घर तक पहुचने कि जरुरत है। भारत के पास इतनी गाय भी नहीं है कि सभी लोग हर घर में गाय रख सके , और जो लोग गाय पालते है उनको भी गोमाता के महत्व का नहीं पता , इसलिए हमें गोमाता का महत्व जन जन तक पहुचना है। गोपाल मणि महाराज ने हिमालय के ऋषियो कि प्रेरणा से "धेनु मानस " ग्रन्थ कि रचना कि है , जिससे जन सामान्य गो माता के महत्व को जान सके। 

गोपाल मणि महाराज ने कहा जब ध्रितराष्ट्र रजा नहीं बन पाया क्योकि वह अँधा था तब उसने श्राप दिया कि जो भी रजा बनेगा वो अँधा हो जायेगा। ऐसे ही ये सरकार भी अंधी हो गयी है 

गोभक्त देवकीनंदन ठाकुरजी ने कहा कि मीडिया हिन्दुओ कि गलती निकलता रहता है , उसको भी गोरक्षा कि खबर दिखानी चाहिए। महाराज ने कहा कि हम गोमाता के लिए अपनी जान भी देने के लिए तैयार है। महाराज ने कहा कि हिंसक और अहिंसक सभी जीव जन्तुओ को जीना का हक़ है तो गोमाता को क्यों नहीं। 

संतो ने कहा कि आत्मा , विश्वात्मा सभी का अंतिम शब्द "माँ ' ही है। 

बाबा रामदेवजी ने भी टेलीफोन पर सम्बोधन दिया 

गोभक्त फैज खान ने कहा कि मुस्लिम धर्म में गोमाता के दूध को अमृत कहा है और गोमास को जहर। गोभक्त फैज खान ने कहा कि गोमाता कृपा करती है , गोमाता ने स्वयं उनपर इतनी कृपा करी कि एक मुस्लिम को व्यास पीठ पर बैठा दिया। गोभक्त फैज खान ने अभी गुजरात में गोकथा का भी आयोजन किया। उन्होंने कहा जो गोहत्यारे है उनका कोई धर्म नहीं है। 

जब सुबह 4 से 6 के बीच में हम पूजा पाठ करते है तब रोज 1 लाख गायो को कत्ल कर दिया जाता है

उत्तर प्रदेश में 8 कत्लखाने खोलन कि मंजूरी मिली है 

सभी एकत्रित गोभक्तो को गोमाता के देसी घी से बना प्रसाद दिया गया 

गोक्रान्ति मंच ने गोभक्तो का रजिस्ट्रेशन भी किया। 

देश भर से आये गोभक्तो और महिला गोभक्तो ने भी बढ़ चढ़कर भाग लिए 

देश भर से आये भक्तो ने गोमाता को राष्ट्रमाता बनाने के नारे लगाये 

कई गोभक्त तो देश के दूसरे भागो से एक दिन पहले ही रामलीला मैदान में आ गए थे ..

writer by Gokranti.com

हुंकार रैली कि फ़ोटो नीचे वाली लिंक में देखिये --


शनिवार, 22 फ़रवरी 2014

Cow & Scriptures

Cow and Scriptures

Cows are the path to heaven, they are worshipable even in heaven. Cows grant a desirable objects, therefore there is nothing superior to the cows


Oh Bharata, a person devoted to cows attains whatever he desires. Women also who aredevoted to cows get their wish fulfilled. A person desiring son gets a son, one desiringdaughter gets daughter, one desiring wealth gets wealth, one desiring religion attains religion, a student gets education and one desiring happiness gets happiness. There is nothing unachievable for a servant of cow.


The Brahma Vidya, which grants supreme bliss is compared to the Sun. Similarly the firmament, can be compared with an ocean and earth to Indra but the cow, which does unlimited welfare to hunamy, cannot be compared to anything cow is without any comparison. Indeed there is no other being like a cow, which does welfare to human beings.

The hosts of devas reside in the body of a cow and all the holy places exist in cow's feet. laxmi resides in the private parts of a cow. A person who adorns his forehead with the mud sticking to the feet of a cow attains the piety of taking bath in a holy place and achieves and achieves success at every step. The place where cows reside is called tirtha, one who dies in such a place becomes liberated immediately. This is certain.


People who serve cows and worship them, are blessed with rarest and choicest boon, on their full satisfaction.Being pleased cows bestow rare boon to a person who serves them and fellows them. Never be envious of them and ever please them, honor them properly and worship them. A man who has control over his senses and pleased within who ever serves the cows attains opulence.

Brihat parashara smriti says:

One who gives some water and grass to the cows for eating attains the result of performing a horse sacrifice there is no doubt in it.


Vishnu Dharmottara Purana says:

By arranging pasture land for cows, giving medical to treatment to the sick cows a person becomes free of fears and attains the result of a horse sacrifice .


Hundreds of milk men holding milk pitchers to milk the cowsand hundreds of their guardians dauce attendance on them. People, who wholly depend on cows, do realize real worth of a cow.
I wish always to keep cows in my view and that cow favors me. Cows are ours and we are for the cows. Let us be close the cows, wherever they stay.
Without giving a portion of our wealth in charity enjoyment of our wealth is merely eating sin To become free from this sin service to cows is the best, natural and easiest means.

A mere slight touch to a cow shall shed away all sins of a man and respectful regards to a cow shall grant power and pelf.


Divine doctrine of Vedas directs that, if one aspires to have all kinds of luxury and comforts of the material worldly life, one should prominently serve the cow.